Deep in the Forgotten Dungeon

Shaders and Effects set the Mood in this Rogue Dungeon Crawler game

  • This example from an unreleased game shows the value of custom shaders and effects. Lighting is essential for setting the tone in a game but it is expensive. By creating light effects inside the shader, the GPU load is reduced. The button at the bottom left allows you to compare Unity's vertex-lit shaders against Markus's custom vertex-lit mobile shaders.
  • The torch flames on the walls are also custom built to run on a mobile device. Markus created a multi-frame animation plus a custom shader and a C# script, resulting in each flame's animation being unique, with no repeat cycle while sharing a common asset and draw call. The torch flame animation and the light flickering on the walls are also synchronized for maximum effect.
  • Markus created the moths using a particle system to achieve a lifelike, non-repeating effect. The lantern glow is also a custom shader.
  • The mobile shader Markus wrote for the walls in this scene also include a world-space texture channel. The noise image applied to this channel creates the appearance that all areas appear unique, even though this scene relies heavily on texture and geometry re-use. You can see the world-space texture disappear when shader effects are toggled off.
  • The dungeon and character models and textures were created by the talented art team at Flaregames. Markus created all elements related to lighting and effects in this scene including shaders, effects textures, C# and Unity integration.
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